  • 'Our Rights, Our Victories' Book Launch

    'After my Writing Institute, I rushed to Ortigas to attend the book launch of Cris and Mother's book: Our Rights, Our Victories, a compilation of landmark cases in the Philippines. I was initially part of the research team but due to some funding woes, had to give it up.

    Anyway, I'm really proud of this book because its not very technical and gave the cases a human touch. There are interviews with the people involved--yes, even with cases dating back to the Martial Law years. :) So since this is technically my first book launch and the first time I'm seeing Cris in a long long time, I was very excited to come! As in I plastered it on my planner!

    Anyway, the venue was full and there were numerous familiar faces who'd probably excite me if I were still in the journalism profession. But anyway, it was fun seeing old friends and colleagues. :)

    Here's a picture of Jay, grumpy because he came straight from his high-paying job in Makati. Haha.

    Ziel (the book's research assistant), Purple (formerly based in Jakarta, now back in Manila), and Ms Carmela (hardcore journalist from GMA News TV).

    Me, Purple, and Ms Carmela doing some crazy stuff in the floor-to-ceiling mirror at the entrance door of the venue.

    Purple posing before the big big big tarpaulin of the book cover. We imitated the cosmopolitan pose of the authors but Purple doesn't know how to make gaya Mother's seemingly nagulat pose!

     Yeah, the book launch lasted for quite awhile... long enough that Ms Gigi (the Mirriam Grace Go) and Leann (photojourn) ended up sitting on the floor to chat. Ms Carmela just joined for the photo. Haha.

    And yeah, here's my attempt at taking a picture of the stars of the night posing before the tarpaulin. Everybody's eager to talk to them I managed to only nod and smile and exchange some pleasantries! I also have yet to buy a copy of the book. Can't wait to grab one and read it! Its available in National Book Store and Powerbooks. :)
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