Tonight, I received the most terrible of news: one of our major characters died of heart attack.
I love his character because he's one of those archetypal antagonists one cannot help but hate and love at the same time. He is formulaic black, but the depth of his characterization is intriguing; I have yet to uncover his secrets.
And I remember again that first burst of the same lugubrious feelings when my grandfather died ten years ago. It was the first time someone close to me died. It has since scarred me. And up to now, I still remember the incident, always with a tinge of regret.
I felt those again tonight. And dread again, not having seized certain moments. Its funny how news of a person's death can trigger the same nostalgia. To remind me to always believe, forgive, live, and feel.
That despite all the pains, there is love. - 2/11/2014
Leilani Chavez 8:33 PM
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