  • In Reverence

    Our shoulders touch as the
    boat crosses the bay in a
    tedious passage. This lonesome 
    voyage we share with a
    chorus of tired

    A man sprawls on a mint 
    bench, cradled by dreams. A woman 
    watches the sea with
    shelled boiled eggs. 
    They wait. We wait. The 
    winds come.

    Our ears devour this sacred 
    silence. This is our church on the 
    Visayan sea, where we 
    create prayers in our heads while
    our skins converse, the
    wind slapping our cheeks like 
    burning incense. 

    We pray and the
    gods answer with 90’s 
    hip hop music and a faint
    whistling over our cruising

    *Unearthing my old little red Moleskine notebook produced old travel notes. This first draft of a poem is one of those. I would love to expand this in the future. :) 
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    1 comment:

    Criselda Yabes said...

    Sweet Lei. I like the Visayan sea too