  • Disappointed

    The election is starting to ruffle some feathers. Wala lang, just want to say that out. Everyone's getting sensitive about their presidential bets, that's what I mean.

    Sometimes I wonder if its the wrong time to have an opinion because apparently, some gets pissed if you think differently or if you stress out a point. And the worst they can do is to question your capabilities. On normal occasions, I would take offense. If its for an article I wrote, I will really feel bad and analyze what I did wrong. But for an opinion?!

    My friend Sidney, who used to play the viola, was the person I always run off to when something about work troubles me. I like her opinions because she tells me straight up if I did things too rough or if there's evident subjectivity in my articles. I trust her enough to be willingly placed under her well-tweaked eyebrows.

    What annoys me to the core is the way some "critics" or "wiser more experienced journos" use argumentum ad hominem in pointing out what annoyed them. That's too much--especially from someone who's supposed to have a more objective stand. Especially from someone who's been in the industry for a longer time, who've experienced more elections, who've seen smelled and probably tasted the dirt of local politics.

    Not a good thing to experience especially when one is thinking of changing careers.
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