  • Rabbit plays with colors

    Teacher Eileen asked the class (really just Nica and I) to do colour swatches for our first assignment. The goal, I think, is to familiarize ourselves with  colors. I'm bad with hues so I have to work doubly hard if I want to learn the art.

    Since I just moved apartments, I don't have my furnitures yet. And this bed table became my temporary workstation:

    Basically, a watercolorist needs a drawing board (mine's in plastic) where we tape the paper (Arches, 300gsm). I'm OC so I taped all sides in equal measurements. Most just tape the edges to let the paper expand once its wet; so when it dries, it doesn't get wrinkly. I like wrinkled paper so I peppered my sheet with masking tape.

    After a few minutes of squeezing, mixing, and making a total mess (hey, am an amateur!), my workstation looks like this:

    And my basic colour swatches:

    I got pretty much excited I played a little more with the gradient and the wet-on-wet wash. Tried it in all colors and got these basic colour combinations:

    I used standard watercolor tubes from Pebeo, cheap mass-produced synthetic brushes (4, 8, 10, 12), which breaks off as I use them. Teacher Eileen said I should just upgrade. So I'm using all my standard tubes and prolly buy artist grade when I need new ones. As for the brushes, I badly deserately want to get sable brushes.

    Despite the mess and the frustration (again), I now know what colors make sunsets, oceans, and trees! My favorite: Still the blues. - 5/9/2013
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    danicat said...

    nice!!! career! haha falling inlove with watercolor??? hahaha i like the last two sets :)

    Leilani Chavez said...

    NICA! :D

    Yeah, kinda loving it now. Haha. It surprisingly washes away my negative feelings. So yes to watercolor. :D