  • Almost Done

    The past few weeks have been work-driven and I expect this to continue until the end of this list. August just seemed like a perfect culmination (or beginning) to another year of balancing journalism and creative writing.

    MONDAY: Attended to all my responsibilities, including a last-minute sidetrip to the Masscomm plenary meeting/orientation before plunging into a dramatic presidential speech by late afternoon.

    TUESDAY: My schedule will kill me someday. But I'm happy for busy days. Pourquoi? J'oublie.

    WEDNESDAY: This session est trop difficile! But après le loooong struggle avec tenses, we finally finished this session. Joyeux mecredi! (une photo de mon ami James.)

    THURSDAY: Today wasn't the best day. But for good vibes: new grammar books!

    FRIDAY: My month begins! And so does my big weekend writing project.

    SATURDAY: The new muse of my kitch; ready for more sloppy but wonderful tummy adventures.

    SUNDAY: Supporting my friend's film in-between writing ADMR. Yay's 1st ko si 3rd is far from disappointing.

    MONDAY: Enrollment day has been surprisingly effortless for a public school. Its either because of the shift to online registration or because I'm in graduate school. Nonetheless, am glad--no more hellish queues!

    TUESDAY: My first successful adobo. Yumyum! :)

    WEDNESDAY: Staying at home has its share of prime advantages: I can sleep, explore the recipe book, finish some writings, and seek opportunities to make my schedule more exciting (if isn't already so). - 8/6/2014
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